These are some very important computer tips and tricks that every computer user should know. These tips will make working on computer more efficient and productive for you. Let me know if you know any other amazing tips and tricks.
# Press the Space bar to scroll one screen down on a Web page. Press Shift + Space bar to scroll one screen up.
# When you’re filling in the boxes on a Web page (like City, State, Zip), you can press the Tab key to jump from box to box, rather than clicking. Use Shift + Tab key to jump through the boxes backwards.
# You can switch from one open program to the next by pressing Alt+Tab (Windows) or Command-Tab (Mac).
# Use Ctrl + Tab to switch from one open tab to another in a web browser.
# Pressing Windows button + ‘L’ will lock your computer immediately and you will need password to access it again (if the password is set). This is very useful to quickly lock your PC when you leaving the desk for some time. Memorize it if you are sick of your “friends” posting things on your Facebook/Twitter page from your computer?
# When you’re doing a multiple words search, try surrounding the text in quotes to get the most out of Google search. For example, if you are looking for Galaxy Note Phone Covers, try typing “Galaxy Note Phone Covers” in Google so that you get very specific and relevant results instead of irrelevant articles about Galaxy Note phone.
# You can hide all windows, revealing only what’s on the computer desktop, with one keystroke: hit the Windows key and “D” simultaneously in Windows, or press F11 on Macs (on recent Mac laptops, Command+F3; Command is the key with the cloverleaf logo). That’s great when you want examine or delete something you’ve just downloaded to the desktop, for example. Press the keystroke again to return to what you were doing.
# You can enlarge the text on any Web page. In Windows, press Ctrl and the plus or minus keys (for bigger or smaller fonts); on the Mac, it’s the Command key and plus or minus. You can also use Ctrl plus scroll button of your mouse to zoom in or out any page.
# Just putting something into the Trash or the Recycle Bin doesn’t actually delete it. You then have to *empty* the Trash or Recycle Bin. (Once a year, I hear about somebody whose hard drive is full, despite having practically no files. It’s because over the years, they’ve put hundreds of gigabytes in the Recycle Bin and never emptied it.)
# You don’t have to type “http://www” into your Web browser. Just type the remainder: “” or “,” for example. Or simply type the site name and press CTRL + Enter, browser will automatically add www and .com to it.
# When working in a web browser, press the backspace key to go back to previous page. Press Ctrl + B to go to bookmarks. Press Ctrl + F to find for a text on the web page.
# These days, almost all web browsers have the search function inbuilt with the URL address bar. So you can type anything in the address bar of the browser and press the Enter button to search instead of going to
# Pressing Ctrl + T will open a new tab in the browser, Ctrl + W will close the current tab and Ctrl + Shift + T will bring back the last closed tab.
# You can use Google to do math for you. Just type the equation, like 29*5+17/4=, and hit Enter. Google is also a units-of-measurement and currency converter. Type “10 Kilometers in Miles,” for example, or “Euros in 20 dollars.” Click Search to see the answer.
# Not satisfied with your Facebook news feed. Looks like something is missing? May be you need to check your feed settings. In the upper right section of your news feed facebook gives you option to choose whether you want to Most Resent posts or Top Posts. Try changing it and see if your feeds get better.